Zachary Quinto Would Never Slut-Shame, Says Zachary Quinto Nine Months After Slut-Shaming

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Zachary Quinto Would Never Slut-Shame, Says Zachary Quinto Nine Months After Slut-Shaming

Screen Shot 2015-08-18 at 11.12.00 AM“It was not my intention to judge anybody or to rankle anybody, or to put myself in some kind of superior position by any means.

I think if people use PrEP as part of a responsible regimen of taking care of themselves and preserving their bodies and their well-being and the well-being of the people they’re having sex with, then more power to them.

There was this thing that I was ‘slut-shaming.’ Anybody who knows me knows that that is the last thing I would ever do.

I just think that we can’t let our guard down.”

Zachary Quinto to HuffPost, responding to criticism he received over his comments from November of last year

Dan Tracer

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