Young Conservative Who Protested Drag Queen Story Hour Dies by Suicide Hours After Going Viral
Wilson Gavin, a 21-year-old conservative at the University of Queensland who went viral on Sunday after protesting a drag queen story hour with a right-wing student group, died by suicide early on Monday morning.
Buzzfeed reported: “In the video posted to Twitter, Gavin and about a dozen other young people can be seen yelling ‘drag queens are not for kids’ at a storytelling event at Brisbane Square Library on Sunday morning. The video racked up hundreds of thousands of views and the protest was widely covered in the media. Prominent Australians condemned the protest and people tweeted in support of the drag performers using the #IStandWithQueens hashtag.”
The protest was denounced by the conservative party that Gavin’s club belonged to, as well as Trevor Evans, Queensland’s first openly gay MP, who called the protesters “ragbags.” reports: “A young man who was filmed protesting against a drag queen reading program in Brisbane has died after the controversial footage was shared. Wilson Gavin, 21 — president of the University of Queensland Liberal National Club, which organised the protest — was found dead in the inner suburb of Chelmer this morning. Queensland Police confirmed they were called to a situation involving a 21-year-old male at 7am. Queensland Ambulance Service told that they arrived at the scene at 7.07am with multiple crews, including a critical care paramedic.”
Qnews reports: “His aunt described him as a very tormented soul. She said despite his ‘despicable behaviour’ at the library, she loved him.”
I stand by everything I said on Twitter in regard to my late nephews, Wilson Gavin’s behaviour at the library – it was despicable behaviour however, there is a reason for everyone’s behaviour & he was a very tormented soul & I loved him
— Polly Wilson (@PollyWi92611992) January 13, 2020
Gavin’s death has ignited debate. Reactions to Wilson’s death, many of which continued to bash the drag queens and the left, have appeared on social media.
Deeply upset to hear that Wilson Gavin, one of the UQ LNP kids, took his life this morning. Young LGBTQI people are up to x11 more likely to attempt suicide. Programs like Safe Schools and events like drag story time are vital for supporting young queers
— Joshua Badge (@joshuabadge) January 13, 2020
As current State patron of the UQ LN Club, I’m deeply saddened to hear of the death of Wilson Gavin. Wilson & his friends took a principled stand to protect children from inappropriate sexualisation & gender fluid ideology. For that he was treated terribly. Wilson, RIP!
— Mark Robinson MP (@MarkRobinsonMP) January 13, 2020
Head of an Australian conservative student group has taken his life after being the target of mass threats & harassment by left-wing activists. Wilson Gavin was filmed storming into a drag queen story time event & shouting, “Drag queens are not for kids.”
— Andy Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) January 13, 2020
Wilson Gavin was gay.
I don’t know why he campaigned against SSM. I don’t know why he was so angry at a drag queen. I don’t know why he took his life.
But I wish he was still here so he could have found us all. We would love him and forgive him. We do love him and forgive him.
— Sally Rugg (@sallyrugg) January 13, 2020
The suicide of drag queen protester Wilson Gavin just hours after he attracted a storm of online abuse has supercharged debate over the use of social media as a weapon to attack political opponents
— The Australian (@australian) January 13, 2020
Christensen has attacked anti-bullying programs and LGBTI services for years. He has never cared about LGBTI suicide. He’s only using Wilson Gavin’s suicide to score points. Despicable behaviour
— Joshua Badge (@joshuabadge) January 13, 2020
Statement from Rainbow Families QLD on this deeply disturbing news:
“LGBTQ people are at high risk of suicide. This is why we strongly advocate for the Safe Schools program…so that members of our communities grow up strong and proud of who they are.”— Coleen MacKinnon (@ColeenMacK_AUS) January 13, 2020
The post Young Conservative Who Protested Drag Queen Story Hour Dies by Suicide Hours After Going Viral appeared first on Towleroad Gay News.
Young Conservative Who Protested Drag Queen Story Hour Dies by Suicide Hours After Going Viral
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