You’ll Never Guess The First Thing Michelle Obama Wants To Do After Leaving The White House: VIDEO

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You’ll Never Guess The First Thing Michelle Obama Wants To Do After Leaving The White House: VIDEO

michelle obama

First Lady Michelle Obama was on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert last night and she talked about her post-White House plans come 2017.

So what’s the first thing the first lady is itching to do upon her return to ‘civilian’ life? Said Obama, “I wanna open a window! I want to go to Target! I want to drive!” Colbert quipped, “We’ll get you a canister of fresh air.”

One days as a treat my lead agent let me hgave the windows open on the way to Camp David. It was like five minuts out. He was like, ‘The window’s open! Enjoy it!’

As Mashable notes, Obama also shared some advice for whoever the next first spouse to enter The White House may be:

“Without naming names, if we have a female president next, would you leave a letter for her husband?” Colbert asked Obama. “What would you say? What’s the thing he needs to know more than anything else about the job?”

Obama replied: “Follow your passion; just be you.”

“I think he does,” Colbert said to a big laugh from the audience.

Watch below:

The post You’ll Never Guess The First Thing Michelle Obama Wants To Do After Leaving The White House: VIDEO appeared first on Towleroad.

Sean Mandell

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