Wyoming Gov. Matt Mead: State Shouldn't Appeal Monday's Gay Marriage Ruling: VIDEO
At a Wyoming gubernatorial debate last night, Republican Gov. Matt Mead said that with a 10th Circuit pro-equality ruling in place, the federal court ruling due Monday on the state’s gay marriage ban should not be appealed.
Said Mead:
I don’t think we should appeal the ruling…I think if the court rules, with the 10th Circuit already ruling, i don’t see there would be merit in appealing the judge’s order.
As joe.my.god points out, Wyoming’s Attorney General Peter K. Micheal was appointed by Mead’s predecessor, who currently serves as a Obama-nominated judge with the 10th Circuit – meaning there’s a good chance the Equality State will live up to its name come Monday.
And if you care to watch the Wyoming debate, AFTER THE JUMP…
Gay marriage portion of the debate begins around the 12:30 mark
Kyler Geoffroy
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