WWE speaks out against #HB2 at North Carolina WWE LIVE event

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WWE speaks out against #HB2 at North Carolina WWE LIVE event


As WWE kicked off its three-night run of WWE LIVE events in North Carolina tonight, the global entertainment company made announcements from the main ring encouraging fans to engage on social media using the hashtag #RepealHB2, reach out to local legislators, or go to www.equalitync.org for additional ways to take action.

In addition to the in-ring announcement, WWE displayed the GLAAD and North Carolina Equality logos, the #RepealHB2 hashtag, and the URL, www.equalitync.org, on the main video tron, encouraging fans to take action.

“WWE is a strong partner for the LGBT community, and we are so pleased to see the company standing up for LGBT North Carolinians and against this discriminatory law,” said Sarah Kate Ellis, President & CEO of GLAAD. “It’s time for Governor McCrory and the state’s leaders to heed the calls of citizens, as well as the business and entertainment industries, and abandon this misguided decision to write hate into law.”

After tonight, WWE takes its live events to two additional North Carolina cities where it will speak out similarly – Raleigh on Saturday and Greensboro on Monday for MONDAY NIGHT RAW. 

May 13, 2016


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