Wingnut Mat Staver Says A Third Political Party Is Needed to Stop Gay Marriage, Like With Slavery: AUDIO

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Wingnut Mat Staver Says A Third Political Party Is Needed to Stop Gay Marriage, Like With Slavery: AUDIO

Mat staver

Liberty Counsel founder Mat Staver, the wingnut who previously said gay marriage was a direct attack on God, is so mad at the Republican Party’s tepid response to the Supreme Court’s gay marriage decision on Monday that he thinks a third political party will be necessary to lead the fight against LGBT equality.

Right Wing Watch reports:

Staver told Greg Corombos of Radio America yesterday that a third party will be needed to take a strong stance against the legalization of same-sex marriage, just as the Republican Party emerged in the 1850s to oppose slavery as the Whigs were foundering due to divisions on the issue.

When Corombos asked why Republicans have delivered a muted response to the marriage decision, Staver didn’t hold back: “They’re cowards, and if Republicans don’t stand up for this, the party will become a non-issue and there will be a third party that will ultimately take its place. That’s what happened with the issue of slavery and there’s no party that’s immune from this situation.”

Staver went on to complain about the missed opportunity to enshrine discrimination into the Constitution with the Federal Marriage Amendment following the 2004 elections, as well as his belief that it’s “absolute stupidity” to think that the fight over marriage equality is over.

“That would be like saying with regards to Dred Scot, when the Supreme Court said, ‘Sorry Dred Scott, you’re black and blacks are inferior human beings, you don’t have rights of a citizen, therefore the debates over.’ That would be ridiculous then, it’s ridiculous now.” 

Listen to the insanity, AFTER THE JUMP

Earlier today, we reported that Mike Huckabee was also threatening to leave the Republican Party over its non-response to this week’s news. 

Kyler Geoffroy

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