Will Whomever’s Crotch Is Being Grabbed By Cristiano Ronaldo Please Step Forward?

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Will Whomever’s Crotch Is Being Grabbed By Cristiano Ronaldo Please Step Forward?

God bless the Spanish media for its commendable coverage of Cristiano Ronaldo getting frisky with a male companion on a yacht in Saint Tropez (what a classy string of words), but could someone please let us know who this mystery man is?

GENTE > @Cristiano Ronaldo y su cariñosa foto con un amigo en un barco da que hablar t.co/CrXHQgAM2E pic.twitter.com/Q7vgtptQ2W

— LGBT News (@LGTBNews) June 4, 2015

In the meantime, we’ll just have to enjoy these five other weird, undeniably hot times Cristiano has popped into our feed:

When he self-wedgied:


When he had his nipples triangulated, for science:spl553535_001-445x670

When he got all artsy:Cristiano-Ronaldo-Mens-Health-UK-September-2014-Photos-002-800x1072-500x670

When taught the world’s least accurate anatomy class:

And let’s not forget when he unveiled his well-endowed statue:r8ky168mysrfyxbw4hhq-446x670

Dan Tracer


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