What The Hell Is Antigay Activist Josh Duggar Doing On Grindr?

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What The Hell Is Antigay Activist Josh Duggar Doing On Grindr?


Hmmm. It appears antigay reality star, admitted pedophile, serial philanderer and alleged sex addict Josh Duggar on Grindr.

Or is he?

A photo of 28-year-old Duggar holding up his cellphone and proudly displaying the Grindr app has been making the rounds on social media.

So what’s the deal?

Before we dig into this latest Duggar scandal, a little backstory… Josh has been keeping a low profile for over a year now. It all began in May of 2015 when he admitted to molesting two of his sisters. A few months after that, he was outed for having not one but two Ashley Madison accounts. After confessing to cheating on his wife while she was pregnant, Josh said he was going to sex rehab to learn how to control his urges. But when the time came to actually check in, he bailed. The icing on the cake came a few months after that when adult film actress Danica Dillon filed a lawsuit against him alleging he basically paid her $1,500 to beat her up while they had sex. That lawsuit was later dropped.

The rest of the Duggar family has done their best to distance themselves from their eldest sibling. But he keeps slithering back around. Most recently, the Hollywood Bossip recently ran a story about Duggar not appearing on his sisters’ new reality show. Included in the story was this image:

Screen Shot 2016-07-18 at 10.34.44 AM

Naturally, tongues started wagging:

Well, the folks over at Inquisitr did some sleuthing and quickly discovered that the picture is, wait for it, photoshopped:

It appears, though, that in this case, the shot was scooped up from a far older source. One of the oldest copies of this image on the internet can be found in a 2013 post on LiveJournal. Since that post is about Josh joining the Family Research Council, a photoshopped image associating Josh with a gay dating app is very apt.

The original image was posted to the Duggar Family Blog years ago in a post celebrating Josh’s 25th birthday:


We think we speak for gay men the world over when we say: Thank God!

Related: Antigay Activist Josh Duggar Being Sued By Adult Film Star For Allegedly Beating Her During Sex


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