What It's Like To Come Out To Your Mother As A Gay, Poly Purveyor of Adult Entertainment: VIDEO

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What It's Like To Come Out To Your Mother As A Gay, Poly Purveyor of Adult Entertainment: VIDEO

Screenshot 2015-03-05 10.45.24

Coming out to your family can be a daunting challenge no matter who you are, how you identify, or how personally secure you are with your sexual orientation or gender identity/expression. That being said coming out is easier for some than others. Coming out as gay is one thing, but imagine coming out as the gay, poly creative director of one of the adult entertainment industry’s most valuable production houses?

“I’d been seeing various therapists prior to [coming out to my mother,]” Cockyboys co-owner Benny Morecock recounts in an interview with I’m From Driftwood. “And I knew that she kept telling the therapists to tell me to come out to her, but I just wasn’t buying it.”

Morecock continues:

“So one time we were having this huge fight–yelling at each other from across the apartment, and at one point she just screams at me ‘are you gay?’ And then I’m like ‘yeah, I’m gay.’

And then all of a sudden the conversation takes a complete 360 and she starts telling me that she’s completely fine with it and then goes into stories about her experimenting with lesbian relationships in college which…you know. Going from one moment where we’re screaming at each other to the next moment where I’m getting way too much information about my mom’s experimenting with sexuality, you know, was very unexpected.”

Morecock goes on to share how he eventually revisited the coming out process with his mother two other times (for owning Cockyboys and being in a polyamorous relationship).

Listen to his coming out story in full AFTER THE JUMP



Charles Pulliam-Moore


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