What is Mike Pence and Trump Administration's opinion on Hively v. Ivy Tech court ruling?

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What is Mike Pence and Trump Administration's opinion on Hively v. Ivy Tech court ruling?

Last night, the United States 7th Circuit Court of Appeals – the first federal court – issued an historic ruling saying that no employer could fire an employee simply because of their sexual orientation. Ruling in favor of Kimberly Hively, an educator in Indiana, the Court established a new precedent that could ultimately end up at the United States Supreme Court.

So what are former Indiana Governor and current Vice President Mike Pence thoughts on this historic ruling? President Trump’s opinion? Using GLAAD’s Trump Accountability Project as a resource, it’s hard to think the Trump Administration would support the 7th Circuit as it is doing all it can to erase the LGBTQ community from the fabric of American society.

“Yesterday’s federal court ruling that said it’s illegal for an employer to fire a gay or lesbian employee was historic beyond proportion,” said Sarah Kate Ellis, President and CEO of GLAAD. “It’s hard to imagine, though, that Mike Pence or Donald Trump would echo our excitement because they have tried to erase LGBTQ people from this country since Day One of this administration. Now more than ever, LGBTQ Americans must fight harder to ensure full LGBTQ acceptance is a reality for all.”

BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Mike Pence and Donald Trump’s Opposition to LGBTQ Workplace Protections

Vice President Mike Pence

In 2007, then U.S. Congressman Mike Pence voted against the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), a bill that would have guaranteed workplace protections for LGBT Americans. [The Atlantic, 2.25.11]

President Donald Trump

In 2015, GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump vowed to sign and enact the First Amendment Defense Act, a piece of legislation that would allow federal contractors to circumvent protections for LGBTQ workers. [Washington Blade, 12.23.15]


April 5, 2017


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