What Comics Are You Reading This Week? #ComicBookWednesday

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What Comics Are You Reading This Week? #ComicBookWednesday

#NEWCOMICBOOKDAY Hurray it’s new comic day! As any good geek or nerd in the know is well aware Wednesday is a weekly holiday a pantheon of publishers bequeath on anticipatory fanboys and girls. Below we grabbed some excited fans and specialty shops Instagram posts from around the country and also review Heroes in Crisis number 5 that sees the return of the #NoHomo fan fave due Blue Beetle and Booster Gold: The Blue and the Gold.

FALL OUT COMICS DISPLAY Online home of Tallahassee’s Comic and Game Shop. “This weeks releases include amazing spider-man 14, doctor strange 10/400, age of x-man 1, action comics 1007, detective comics 997, heroes in crisis 5, rick and Morty vs dungeons and dragons 4, power rangers 35, fight club three 1, and many more! Come pick up your comics at #falloutcomics#falloutcomicstallahassee#newcomicbookday#newcomicwednesday#shoplocal#ihearttally”

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Hurray it’s new comic day! This weeks releases include amazing spider-man 14, doctor strange 10/400, age of x-man 1, action comics 1007, detective comics 997, heroes in crisis 5, rick and Morty vs dungeons and dragons 4, power rangers 35, fight club three 1, and many more! Come pick up your comics at #falloutcomics #falloutcomicstallahassee #newcomicbookday #newcomicwednesday #shoplocal #ihearttally

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WONDER WOMAN #63  gets the manga treatment by Japanese superstar Kamome Shirahama.

 When Themyscira and the remnants of Olympus fell, the Gods weren’t the only refugees to come to Earth. A small horde of mystical creatures have found their way here, and they’re determined to start new lives…but what happens when the people of our world are equally determined not to let them? Can Diana open their minds and show them that a centaur is more than half a person?

Kamome Shirahama is best known in the United States for her comics cover art at DC and Marvel, including such titles as Star Wars: Doctor Aphra, and Batgirl, and the Birds of Prey. Witch Hat Atelier is her first manga to be released in English.

THIRD EYE WIDE If you’re in southern California, Maryland visit Third Eye for some new reads.

PASADENA’S P Dot’s Comics & Collectibles top variant tuesday submission is this awesome cover for Red Hood and the Outlaws #26.

HEROES IN CRISIS is something new in comics and boldly tackles mass shootings and PTSD.

“Can I tell you a secret Goldie?” Harley Quinn says to Booster Gold, early on in the first of issue of Heroes In Crisis —  DC’s new company-wide crossover series — “You promise not to tell?” Harley continues seductively, “I hate pudding.”  Here, Quinn is referring to both the options on the dessert menu at the diner she and Gold find themselves in, and we assume her on again/off again boyfriend The Joker, for whom “puddin’ ” is her trademark term of endearment.

Turns out the duo — as unlikely a pair as you can find — have been secretly operating “the Sanctuary,” an ultra-secret hospital for superheroes who’ve been traumatized by crime-fighting and cosmic combat. And that’s just the tip of the house-sized mysteries  suggested in the the first issue of Heroes In Crisis. A mass-shooting massacre is at the center of C.I.A.-operative-turned-comics-writer Tom King’s story, where he poses the question: How does a superhero handle PTSD? 

King has proved his writing mettle with his still ongoing, award winning runs on both Batman and Mister Miracle. He continues to be able to oscillate between both the incredibly cosmic (Batman and the Justice League against a New God) and masterfully grounded stories (like Bruce Wayne serving on a jury attempting to convict the Batman of assault against Mr. Freeze).

In issue five of Crisis, King deftly maneuvers between humor and heavy emotion and brings us closer to an understanding of who the mastermind behind the moves is or are.

The term “crisis” is a storied one in DC lore, stemming back to the 1960s when the Justice Society of America (JSA) from Earth-2 (containing DC’s 1940s golden age characters) and the Justice League of America from Earth-1 (the JLA we know essentially know now) would team up against odds that only the two greatest superhero teams in the multiverse could combat. 

In the DC Universe (DCU), the term Crisis has become a brand that consistently brings the greatest crossovers year after year.

With Heroes, King takes that concept and does something truly original and cinematic. 

is something new in comics

The post What Comics Are You Reading This Week? #ComicBookWednesday appeared first on Towleroad Gay News.

What Comics Are You Reading This Week? #ComicBookWednesday

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