Westboro Baptist's Shirley Phelps-Roper Knows Why Neil Patrick Harris Stripped at the Oscars: VIDEO
Shirley Phelps-Roper and a bevy of her Westboro Baptist Church minions traveled to L.A. to picket the Oscars over the weekend and decided they would make a stop by the sidewalk in front of the offices of The Hollywood Reporter the next day.
Why? Because the media mob is doomed to Hell, that’s why (see Shirley’s song and dance in the video that follows)!
THR Reporter Seth Abramovitch, who made a point of letting them know he’s gay and Jewish, went out to speak with them and discovered that Shirley and her clan still love the spotlight as much as any Hollywood star.
She had a few comments on the Oscars, on things such as Neil Patrick Harris’s underwear stunt:
“They say that [Neil Patrick Harris] saw that [the show] was really boring. The answer for a fag to something that is boring is to take his pants off. I saw the backside of him over my shoulder. I think that he needs to keep it covered.”
And as for Lady Gaga?
“Lady Gaga needs to shut up and repent or she’s going to go to Hell with the rest.”
And how about Joan Rivers getting snubbed by the Academy. Shirley says the WBC was much more reverent:
“We didn’t snub her. We had our ‘Joan Rivers in Hell’ sign.“
Shirley is rendered speechless, however, when asked about the sign she’s holding up top.
Check out the hilarious interview, AFTER THE JUMP…
Andy Towle
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