Watch What Happens When Two Men Hold Hands In The Streets Of Lisbon: VIDEO

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Watch What Happens When Two Men Hold Hands In The Streets Of Lisbon: VIDEO

Lorenzo and Pedro in Lisbon

Gay Portuguese vloggers Lorenzo and Pedro, like many of us, had seen the social experiments carried out in MoscowKiev, and most recently Jerusalem where two men would walk the streets holding hands to see what the social response would be. The two were “horrified” at the barbaric responses, particularly in Kiev where the couple were physically assaulted by a group of neo-Nazi thugs.

In response, the pair created their own video of the same social experiment to “show them how real civilized people behaves in society!” According to them, they received no hate or violence for daring to engage in the mild PDA that seems to send some neanderthals into fits of rage. Instead, most people paid them no mind, a few appeared to give curious glances, and one man in particular took their picture.

It’s an uplifting piece to counter the vileness we’ve been seeing, so it’s worth your time to watch if you have four minutes to spare.

The post Watch What Happens When Two Men Hold Hands In The Streets Of Lisbon: VIDEO appeared first on Towleroad.

Christian Walters

Watch What Happens When Two Men Hold Hands In The Streets Of Lisbon: VIDEO

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