WATCH: ‘Unusual Attachment’, a gay quickie about the horror of internet dating

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WATCH: ‘Unusual Attachment’, a gay quickie about the horror of internet dating

In case you need a scream, a smile, or both (and we know you do)…

Queer horror impresario Michael Varrati has just dropped his latest endeavor, a short film about gay dating on the web during public lockdown.

Unusual Attachment follows Hunter (played by actor Ben Baur), a gay guy on the hunt (pun intended) for the perfect man. When Hunter resorts to ManBingo, a Chat Roulette-type webcam program, to find his evening date, things take a bizarre–and apocalyptic–twist.

Related: From sexy to scary: The Queerty must-see Halloween screening list

“When the stay at home orders due to Covid-19 were issued, so many of us were at a loss,” Varrati said in a statement. “My natural response when I’m feeling listless is to make something, which is easier said than done when you can’t leave your home. We were able to build a cast and crew of remarkable artists spanning three different cities who weren’t willing to let a little thing like being stuck inside stop them from making a movie.”

The resultant short takes a tongue-in-cheek approach to horror–something that has become Varrati’s signature–while still commenting on the era of social distancing.

Have a look. You might think twice about that next Zoom date…

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