WATCH: Studly Silver Surfer Invades New York City On Halloween
Meet Jesse Wellens, a young man clearly unfazed by Halloween falling on a Monday this year. As Vulture reports, all day he’s been tooling through the mean streets of New York City in a skintight Silver Surfer costume, leaving startled spectators and impromptu cries of “yasss!” in his wake.
Related: Straight Guys Are Stripping Down For Halloween
We’re not sure how he hasn’t killed himself maneuvering that skateboard-surfboard hybrid through the Village, but the NYPD, much to their credit, are unconcerned. The cops in the video stop just long enough to snap a photo or exchange a quick fist-bump.
Related: PHOTOS: Once Again, Colton Haynes’ Halloween Costume Will Leave You Stunned
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