WATCH: Rapper Azealia Banks Uses Homophobic Slur Again

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WATCH: Rapper Azealia Banks Uses Homophobic Slur Again

Hip-hop artist Azealia Banks is in the news for her homophobia again.

TMZ reports that Banks, who has a history of using hate speech against LGBT people, called a Delta flight attendant a “fucking faggot” after a Monday night flight from New York to Los Angeles.

TMZ’s web site has video of the altercation.

A passenger sitting near Banks told TMZ that as soon as the plane landed at LAX, the rapper rushed to the plane’s front door, but was blocked by a French couple retrieving their baggage from an overhead bin. The eyewitness said that the man tried to prevented Banks from squeezing past them and the rapper went ballistic, spitting in his face and punching him.

That’s when a Delta flight attendant tried to intervene by grabbing Banks’s bag and asking her to calm down. The witness said Banks lost her balance and fell to the ground. She then went on the tirade that included the homophobic slur. 

The plane’s co-pilot then came out to tell Banks the police had been called. Banks fled the scene. TMZ reports that no charges have been filed.

Ironically, Banks identifes as bisexual. In an interview earlier this year with OutQ Radio on Sirius, she said she did not feel accepted by the white LGBT community. She also defended her use of the word “faggot,” saying she uses it in reference to men who hate women, and not in reference to gay men.


Gina Vivinetto

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