WATCH: Mike Huckabee Says He Hasn’t ‘Disparaged’ Gays

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WATCH: Mike Huckabee Says He Hasn’t ‘Disparaged’ Gays

Mike Huckabee is up to his usual antics, but this time he’s forgetting all the damage that he’s done with his antigay sentiments by claiming that he’s never “disparaged” LGBT people.

In a recent sit-down interview with CNBC’s John Harwood, the 2016 Republican presidential hopeful talked about his controversial views on Josh Duggar and the entire Duggar family, and how some see him as a hypocrite for defending an alleged child molester while continuing to deny the validity of same-sex marriage. 

“I don’t think I have disparaged people John,” Huckabee says when asked. “I feel like I’ve held to a very consistent, biblical standard of marriage.” 

In reality, among other homophobic political stunts, earlier this year Huckabee (along with fellow GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum) signed a pledge saying that legal recognition of same-sex marriages “undermines the fundamental rights of children and threatens their security, stability, and future.”

He also has said marriage equality amounts to a “redefinition of love,” likened the Supreme Court marriage equality ruling to the 19th-century Dred Scott decision upholding slavery, said allowing transgender people to serve openly in the military is a social experiment, contended that inviting LGBT people to meet Pope Francis was like inviting alcoholics to an open bar, and said he wished he could have pretended to be transgender as a teenager so he could shower with female students. Further, he’s been a key defender of Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis, who has refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

Watch Huckabee forget his antigay past in the CNBC interview below. 

Raffy Ermac

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