WATCH: Inside Prince’s “Untouched” Paisley Park Estate
We’re going to go ahead and assume that Prince did not, in fact, have a “Purple Rain Room” complete with a video loop of him performing the classic tune when he occupied his legendary Paisley Park estate, but he was a man of eternal mystery so who knows? Maybe he did.
Either way, the sprawling domicile is set to open as a shrine to all things Prince very soon, and is being touted as remaining “untouched” from before the untimely death of the musical great who called it home.
Related: If Prince Was A Homophobe, What Does That Make You?
But Al Roker got to roam the hallowed halls before the general public has a chance to get their sticky fingers all over Prince’s threads.
Weather forecasters get to have all the fun.
Watch below, or at this link if the video isn’t showing up:
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