Watch Caitlyn Jenner’s surprise guest appearence at Boy George concert

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Watch Caitlyn Jenner’s surprise guest appearence at Boy George concert

Caitlyn Jenner, the newly minted transgender icon, gave a brief speech amid much applause before Boy George’s Culture Club concert on Friday.

‘This is going to be a good group,’ she said of the audience, who were applauding her. ‘Thank you so much. Enough about me.

‘Thank you for being here tonight. This is so much fun for me and let’s hear it here at the Greek Theatre for Boy George!’

The Culture Club, consisting of band mates Boy George, Mikey Craig, Roy Hay and Jon Moss, played at The Greek in Hollywood, Los Angeles.

George may even have upstaged Jenner, with costume changes into ever more eccentric headdresses.

He posted a video on Instagram about Caitlyn Jenner opening for Culture Club with the caption: ‘Amazing, cosmic, gorgeous to have @Caitlynjenner open our show last night. Thank you for a super special moment!’

The post Watch Caitlyn Jenner’s surprise guest appearence at Boy George concert appeared first on Gay Star News.

Jack Flanagan

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