Virginia School Board Requests Stay of Transgender Bathroom Ruling Pending SCOTUS Review

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Virginia School Board Requests Stay of Transgender Bathroom Ruling Pending SCOTUS Review

gavin grimm

The school board of Gloucester County, Virginia has asked the U.S. Supreme Court to stay a ruling from the 4th Circuit that declared transgender students must be allowed to use school bathrooms that match their gender identity.

#BreakingNews: Motion filed to HALT #transgender students using bathroom of their choice, pending #SCOTUS review

— Mike Valerio (@MikeNBC12) June 7, 2016

BuzzFeed reports: 

On Tuesday, lawyers for the school board wrote in a filing at the 4th Circuit, “The School Board intends to file a petition for writ of certiorari with the United States Supreme Court within ninety (90) days of this Court’s entry of judgment.”

As such, the lawyers are asking the appeals court to put its ruling on hold while the petition to the Supreme Court is pending. A stay would keep the case on hold — and the Gloucester County School Board’s policy in place — while the Supreme Court decides whether to hear the case.

The filing notes that the ACLU opposes the stay request.

The ruling from the 4th Circuit in question dates back to April of this year. The court found that in denying transgender student Gavin Grimm (top) access to a bathroom that matches his gender identity the Gloucester County school board violated Title IX of the Education Act of 1972, which bans discrimination based on sex.


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