Vatican Priest Fired For Being Gay Calls Coming Out “An Act Of Desperation”

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Vatican Priest Fired For Being Gay Calls Coming Out “An Act Of Desperation”

151004011644_charamsa_vatican_624x351_getty_nocredit-360x202Monsignore Krzysztof Charamsa, the Polish priest who was recently fired from his job on the heels of coming out, claims that his decision to publicly admit his sexuality was “an act of desperation,” reports BBC.

Earlier this month, Monsignore Charamsa came out — and chose the lead-up to a synod (being held in Rome to discuss, among other things, homosexuality) to do it.

“We must think about all families,” he opined, “not only families like my (heterosexual) parents.”

The Vatican described his actions as “very serious and irresponsible” but insisted his dismissal had nothing to do with his homosexuality but was due to the timing of his announcement.

Listen to the segment, which was originally broadcast on 5 Live Breakfast, below:

Jeremy Kinser

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