Unemployed During Covid-19? This Is What You Can Do

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Unemployed During Covid-19? This Is What You Can Do

Unemployment was one of the worst effects of the pandemic. The world situation is critical, considering that health and the economy are in constant danger. According to the Wall Street Journal, at least 30 million people lost their jobs in the United States during the spring due to the coronavirus.

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These numbers are terrible. If you find yourself unemployed, you need to read this article! Learn about three productive things you can do during the pandemic.

  1. Join a Bootcamp

Universities and schools are closed for now. If you are unemployed, you most likely want to maintain your performance with your knowledge. If you are interested in studying and practicing a new skill (or if you’re going to reinforce the topics you already know), you may like the idea of taking a bootcamp.

Bootcamps are intensive 12-week courses. These schools offer many subjects, especially in technology: you can take classes in data science, coding, digital marketing, full stack development, JavaScript, mobile development, and many more. These schools offer face-to-face and remote courses. Additionally, graduates receive a certification that serves as academic experience in your technical resume.

Main Advantage:

You do individual projects where you use all your skills in the specific field of study. Many bootcamps have taken their graduates to work for companies like Google and Amazon.

  1. Create a Profile as a Freelancer

Losing your job may be the perfect opportunity to find a better job. If you didn’t know about freelancing platforms, now is the ideal time. According to NPR, the Upwork platform, one of the most famous freelance websites globally, increased its registered users by 36 percent during the pandemic. More and more people in the world decided to work from this site to generate income with remote work.

Thanks to this type of work, you can maintain your professional activity in almost any skill you have. There are many types of jobs for beginners and professionals; some clients even hire users with little or no experience.

Main Advantage:

If you have Internet access and a computer (or a cell phone or tablet), you can work as a freelancer. You can generate money no matter where you are in the world. These websites’ communication channels allow you to create secure contracts, chat with your clients, and set prices according to the task you perform—everything from your home, which is safer in these times of pandemic.

  1. Prepare Yourself Physically and Mentally for New Challenges

Covid-19 has generated a lot of demotivation, and that is understandable: perhaps you lost your job, lost a loved one, or your economic stability was reduced. However, the best thing you can do is stay focused on everything that comes after the virus. The last tip is to strengthen your body and mind for future challenges, but how can you do this?

Take care of your body, and stay healthy. The virus is lethal for people with previous illnesses, so do not waste so many hours of the day eating junk food, watching TV, and sleeping. These activities generate obesity, and soon, diabetes. For that reason, make a weekly or daily exercise plan according to your work schedule. Try to eat homemade food, so you also save money and maintain your health at 100 percent.

About your mental health, a great idea is to have contact with your psychologist. If you don’t go to a psychologist regularly, you can search online for referrals to mental health specialists near you. The best thing about this is that you can have remote consultations thanks to apps like Zoom or Google Hangouts.

Main Advantage:

If you keep your mental and physical health in the best condition, then you will be prepared for the end of the pandemic. These activities help reduce your stress, depression, or anxiety, which allows you to stay focused and motivated on all the tasks you do. If you are focused, you are likely to be performing well in all your jobs, including your relationships. Many of the things you do now will help you build a better future.


If you follow these three tips, you can face more significant challenges after Covid-19. Perhaps this has been a personal practice to learn what to do during pandemics or other global threats. Being unemployed does not mean being a failure. These tips will help you maintain your financial balance through work, help you reinforce your knowledge to get better jobs, and, more importantly, they will allow you to enjoy general health to have strength in everything you do.


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