
Jhonny Fulkers: My Dream

Jhonny Fulkers: My Dream

I want to become a great entrepreneur and be recognized on the first cover of flirt4free, my dream is to become one of the best and get many recognitions for being a flir4free, that would make me so happy

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Fabio Pretti: Fabio

Fabio Pretti: Fabio

The other time I was with an aunt and they told me that my aunt’s boyfriend liked men but I didn’t believe it until I went to my aunt’s house and he was taking a bath and then he came out with his penis all stopped and he looked at me a lot and he touched it a lot when he told me he likes it and I said yes and started to touch him when we went to his feet but my aunt was not in the store buying something so she was alone with but we started doing many things when my aunt arrived

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Paolo Morris: Daily Affirmation.

Paolo Morris: Daily Affirmation.

I frequently see synchroniticies that confirm that i am on the right path. I am divinely guided and protected by my higher self and the universe. Every day i am moving closer and closer to my dream life. I find it easy to listen to my intuition. I always make the right choices and i am a happy person.

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Fabio Pretti: On the Beach

Fabio Pretti: On the Beach

The other time I was on the beach and I wanted to go cool down and there was a lot of time and I was with a friend because I didn’t want to go alone, we were sunbathing very good when I wanted to go for a walk and I saw a man alone on a rock when he told me to come and I told him what I wanted and he told me what are you doing on the beach and I told him I’m with a friend sunbathing and then the man told me and what he wants to do so I told him I don’t know why they catch us and he He said no then I said yes and we started …

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Fabio Pretti: Concert

Fabio Pretti: Concert

The other time he was in a desert and there were many people who were a lot of singers and I was in the middle of all that person when a man was touching my penis but I did not put interest in that when the man put his hand in me and I also knew I started to play it and we started to play

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Stephanie Mils: I Love to Travel

Stephanie Mils: I Love to Travel

There is nothing better than travelling by a fast car. Travel by car is a more personal experience, for there you can drive yourself.You just sit down at the steering wheel, start the motor, step on the accelerator with your foot and off goes the car. You can go as slowly or as fast as you wish, stop when and where you choose; you park the car on the side of the road, get out and go wherever you like.It is quite true that driving a car has some disadvantages. In town it is rather a nuisance with all those traffic «jams» or «hold – ups», round-abouts, detours and so on. It is not pleasant at all when you ride on a bumpy road or get a flat tyre, or still worse, when you get stuck in the mud.But what can be better than a spin in a car on a week-end with your friends? As soon as you get out of the crowded town and see a long wide road in full view, what a thrill it is to feel the car rush forward at a touch of your foot, to feel the wind in your face, to see houses, trees find people flash past, to feel the real joy of speed.Then, of course, you see much more of the country than you do in a plane.Suppose you are on vacation and have decided to take a trip in a car. What magnificent views you behold on your way â” green fields, a road winding its way up the mountain with steep, grey cliffs on one side and a deep precipice on the other, a shining expanse of the sea wrapped in a blue noonday haze, the woods, the rows of acacia that stretch along the streets of the towns you pass through. Indeed your impressions are unforgettable.

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Eleazar Blake: You and I

Eleazar Blake: You and I

I love you as the sun loves the moon and the moon loves the sun.Moon has been after sun and sun after moon since very uncertain times.Sun thinks that the moon evades her presence and moon thinks that the sun escapes from her.Except for these moments when the moon becomes daring and gathers courage and the sun stops to wait for the arrival of her beloved when she sees her in the distance.Although moon sadly loses all her brightness when she sees him, she turns red with shame and prefers to follow her path; While the sun extinguishes its light from the nerves and sees how his beloved vanishes on the horizon.What a mistake you make, my friend, by not showing yourself as you are to such a beautiful lady; and you, precious moon, how wrong are you, by not approaching the being you yearn for, love and dream of all your eternal night.For this I tell you I love you, because I know that you love me in the same way that I do, take away your pride and I will spit mine, and that way we stop fighting, since you and I were born It is to love each other, we must do it with madness, with unbridled passion and adventures and thus avoid staying in an eternal dance like the moon and sun where I think you hate me and you think that I hate you when it is the opposite.

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Mathias Ford: Real Moments

Mathias Ford: Real Moments

There is so much to wait for and so much to share so simple and so simple to achieve that every moment that passes through our mind we see it go through our days there is nothing more accommodating than having a thousand repeatable and unforgettable things and memories in our head and complain no one will take away what we experienced There will never be anything from our minds that can take away from us the great things that encompass our memory fill our bodies with sensations and chills running through our skin and together we will have great memories in our minds and we will never let ourselves take away the passion and nobody will ever have what is there pleasantly in our heads without limits or selfishness all for ourselves and for our satisfaction

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Diane Pirs: A Simple Recipe for My Favorite Salad

Diane Pirs: A Simple Recipe for My Favorite Salad

I don’t know about you, but I really love to cook. Like every hostess, I have a favorite dish – fresh vegetable salad. I would like to share a recipe for its preparation.First, wash the tomatoes and cucumbers by blotting them with a tissue to remove water drops. Slice them by removing unnecessary parts. Then you need to cut into cubes the bell pepper and hot chilli pepper. Add chopped onions. To do this, cut it in half and cut it into strips. After that, sprinkle the mass with salt. Do not forget to chop the herbs and sprinkle them on the salad! Season the salad with vegetable oil or sour cream – and the dish is ready!

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Paolo Morris: Que Nadie Te Apague!

Paolo Morris: Que Nadie Te Apague!

Deja de dudar de ti. No compares tus ideas con las de otros y tampoco dejes que te apaguen tus sueños con opiniones que no corresponden con tu grandeza; recuerda que hay sueños que parecen irrealizables pero también existen personas como tú, que los hacen posibles.Confía! En ti, en la magia de la vida y en el universo.

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