Twinks For Trump And 7 Other Nutty Moments From This Crazy Campaign
While we anxiously await tonight’s election results, it’s worth reminding ourselves just why 2016 will rank as one of the looniest election cycles of all time.
There’s plenty to choose from, but here’s a look at just eight of the craziest moments to come out of the presidential campaign that seemed like it would never end.
1. The Ted-Cruz-in-drag lookalike
Searcy Hayes had her 15 minutes of fame when someone noticed her uncanny resemblance to Ted Cruz. As an added bonus after the resemblance went viral, Hayes considered an offer to star in an adult video. “We want to buy a truck,” she said.
2. Donald Trump tries to kiss Mike Pence
Trump was so smitten by Pence’s performance at the Republican convention that he tried to show his appreciation with a kiss. Homophobe that he is, Pence dodged it, opting instead to shake Trump’s (tiny) hand.
It’s not at all clear from the photos whether Rubio attended the gay foam party in question. However, it might explain why he was willing to speculate about the size of Donald Trump’s penis.
4. Bernie Sanders erotic fan fic
Yes, a 75-year-old Socialist from Vermont can be the subject of intense lust. At least in print.
5. Ted Cruz’s Nick Jonas crush
Cruz’s campaign put out a cartoon of the candidate in which the Texan looked suspiciously like pro-gay lust object Nick Jonas, proving that even the cartoon Cruz is divorced from reality.
6. Trump’s British character witness
In an effort to dispute a story about Trump groping a woman on an airplane, Anthony Gilberthorpe claimed he was there and the incident never happened. Gilberthorpe’s creds include suing a newspaper for a story about him for which he was the source and more recent claims that he procured the “prettiest rent boys” for Tory politicians, all of whom were conveniently dead.
Halloween can be scary. Just consider how these pumpkins were transformed into Donald Trump.
What started as a parody account quickly morphed into a straight-faced (so to speak) love letter to the Donald, complete with twinks wearing Make America Great Again caps, the ultimate turnoff.
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