whitepearlsalonsl posted a video:
The White Pearl Salon is Second Life’s most inviting, embracing, elegant and sophisticated social dance clubs. Here we make friends, flirt, joke, dance, dine, spark relationships and romance. All SecondLifers are welcome here.
And better yet, we’re Trans-friendly. For trans gurls (SRS and CD’s), we provide a “safe space” … an elegant, inviting and fun venue designed for RL transgenders, but also as for those who desire a realistic taste of the RL transgender world.
Taxi – maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Hispaniola%20Bay/95/38/3501
Daily DJ Dance Parties and Special Events at: calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?src=whitepearlcale…
Fun photos and videos of recent parties at the Pearl can be found at
Please note: The Pearl is not a sex palace but a social, music and dance club for those who wish to forge new friendships which can then extend out into the SL world. Thus, for deeper, heart-felt connections, drop by the Pearl.
We’re a new club…so come and grow with us!
Become a member to receive free dresses and suits and notices of our special events, you’ll experience a new world of transgender miracles that will fill you with real emotions and provide a new level of excitement and self-discovery.
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