Tucker Carlson Freaks Out About ‘Disgusting’ Gender Neutral Bathrooms at the DNC: WATCH
Earlier we reported that nobody gave a crap about the ‘All-Gender Restrooms’ at the Democratic National Convention. We were mistaken.
FOX News reporter Tucker Carlson had quite an opinion about them, Media Matters reports.
Said Carlson:
I thought it was the most disorganized event I have ever covered in 25 years. It was the most badly organized, bizarre event….Well just the whole thing was bizarre, starting from the like gender neutral bathrooms, which are disgusting. I mean I guess we’re liberated by this? Everyone should come visit one and see the reality of it. It’s unbelievable. To the totally screwed up security situation outside. To a line of speakers urging Americans to break the law. To no American flags. I mean the whole thing was like an alternate reality.
EARLIER: There are All-Gender Restrooms at the Democratic Convention and Nobody Gives a Crap
The post Tucker Carlson Freaks Out About ‘Disgusting’ Gender Neutral Bathrooms at the DNC: WATCH appeared first on Towleroad.
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