Trump’s Inauguration Buddy: Elton John

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Trump’s Inauguration Buddy: Elton John

Elton John, David FurnishWell, here’s an unlikely odd couple for you: Donald Trump and Sir Elton John. What?

Apparently, at a recent rich-person dinner, someone asked Trump who would perform at his inauguration ball. “We always love Elton John,” Trump answered. Who is this “we” Trump is referring to? That’s unclear. Also unclear is whether Elton John would have anything to do with Trump’s inauguration.

Elton’s legal people have already told the Trump campaign to stop using his music at his campaign rallies. (For some reason, Trump thought it was a good idea to play “Rocket Man” and “Tiny Dancer” to warm up the crowd.)

Adele also made Trump stop using her music, as did Neil Young and Aerosmith. For a billionaire, Trump sure does seem stingy about securing music licenses.

“Elton’s music has not been requested for use in any official capacity by Donald Trump,” said an Elton publicist. “Any use of his music should not be seen as an endorsement of Donald Trump by Elton.”

That’s probably the response Donald would get if he invited Elton to the inauguration, given Trump’s lousy attitudes toward LGBTs. He opposes marriage equality, he’s all over the map on nondiscrimination, and he said he’d consider appointing judges to the Supreme Court who would overturn the freedom to marry. Elton might want to keep his distance.

Then again … who knows. Elton did sing at Rush Limbaugh’s wedding, so maybe for him, a paycheck’s a paycheck.

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