Trump Unveils Space Force Flag, Brags About ‘Super-Duper Missile’ in Mask-Free Ceremony: WATCH
Amid a raging pandemic, President Donald Trump took time out Friday afternoon to help unveil the new Space Force flag during an Oval Office ceremony — with no one wearing a mask.
As many have previously noted, the Space Force logo looks eerily similar to that of Star Trek’s Starfleet Command.
During Friday’s event, Trump bragged about a “super-duper missile” being developed by the Space Force that is “17 times faster than what we have now.”
“A Pentagon spokesman was asked about the ‘super-duper missile’ during a subsequent press call and referred reporters back to the White House,” the Hill reports.
“Space is going to be the future, both in terms of defense and offense and so many other things,” Trump said. “And already, from what I’m hearing and based on reports, we’re now the leader in space.”
More below.
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Trump Unveils Space Force Flag, Brags About ‘Super-Duper Missile’ in Mask-Free Ceremony: WATCH
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