Tony Perkins Warns Fascist Pro-Gay Christians Are Committing Heresy: VIDEO
Tony Perkins, the president of the hate group Family Research Council (FRC) has said Christians who make biblical arguments in favor of homosexuality are committing heresy, reports Right Wing Watch.
Perkins was reacting to a New York Times column by Frank Bruni (right) last weekend on the growing body of work arguing for Christian acceptance of homosexuality.
Arguing that the views of anti-gay groups are not shared by the majority of Christians, Bruni noted that “in the end, the continued view of gays, lesbians and bisexuals as sinners is a decision. It’s a choice. It prioritizes scattered passages of ancient texts over all that has been learned since — as if time had stood still, as if the advances of science and knowledge meant nothing.”
However, Perkins argued:
“Bruni grants no possibility that there is a rich, articulate, persuasive, and sound literature by Christian theologians demonstrating how clear and unchanging is the Bible’s teaching on same-sex intimacy, marriage, and human sexuality in general.
“He is disinterested in such, and instead appeals to outliers like David Gushee and Matthew Vines. And in a particularly desperate move, he notes that the ‘United Church of Christ, the Episcopal Church and the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’ have all affirmed same-sex relationships.
“True, but these historic denominations are no longer mainstream. They are dying, becoming more like social clubs and liberal foundations than proclaimers of a faith delivered with clarity and finality, once for all.”
Perkins concluded with a (loving) stark warning for Bruni:
“We will not be ‘re-educated,’ nor will we be silent. We are not going away. We love you too much to affirm sin in any fashion. We condemn any vitriol you receive from those who, outraged by your dismissive and hostile column, call you names or worse. And we love you too much to reduce Christian faith to simply being ‘nice’ or affirming what the God of Creation and of the Bible says is un-affirmable.
“Sin is sin. Our sin. Your sin. God sets the standard, not us. His standard is not unclear or subjective or ambivalent.”
Watch Perkins weigh on the Indiana #RFRA controversy, AFTER THE JUMP…
Jim Redmond
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