Today In Dumb Things Azealia Banks Says: Gay Men = The KKK. And Are Weaklings.

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Today In Dumb Things Azealia Banks Says: Gay Men = The KKK. And Are Weaklings.

azealia-banks-pole-640It’s official: The songstress behind “Ice Princess” needs to have her jaw frozen shut.

Last week, footage captured Azealia Banks calling a Delta flight attendant “faggot” and then, a few days later, she went on an amped-up Instagram rampage, inferring that she’d like to pepper spray “a gay man in the face.” As one does.

Perhaps her publicist gently passed away last week and the body is still moldering in a swank office building off Wilshire Boulevard. Or perhaps the “Ice Princess” is, in fact, a Crystal Queen, who are similarly notorious for their wild ways.

Related: Azealia Banks Says She’s Too Rich To Care If You Think She’s A Homophobe

Whatever the case may be, because her latest rant — this time on Twitter, because versatile — claims that the “LGBT community are like the gay white KKKs. Get them some pink hoods and unicorns and let them rally down rodeo drive.” Ooh, burn.


Wait. It gets better.

All I had to do was say one word and I moved a whole community. What weaklings!!! ?


And this blood moon is a BONUS on top of it all!!!! — AZEALIABANKS (@AZEALIABANKS) September 28, 2015

Man, did she have to drag the Supermoon into this? The Wiccans will be furious.

If I am to be a part of an LGBT community I want to be in it with people who aren’t so weak or so easily moved ya know. — AZEALIABANKS (@AZEALIABANKS) September 28, 2015

Because all the time spent being mad at word could’ve been used to help people who really need the help! — AZEALIABANKS (@AZEALIABANKS) September 28, 2015

That’s true. Brb. And… back.

I’m not a weak bitch, being called a dyke or a nigger does absolutely nothing to move me. — AZEALIABANKS (@AZEALIABANKS) September 28, 2015

So yes! You CAN call me a nigger and I won’t get mad! …. I’d be like “That’s all you got???” ????? — AZEALIABANKS (@AZEALIABANKS) September 28, 2015

You boys gotta toughen up!!! Don’t be so weak !!! If one word can put your entire community in distress you’re DOOMED. LOL — AZEALIABANKS (@AZEALIABANKS) September 28, 2015


Words are not tangible things. You all CHOSE to get upset. Remember… Offense is only TAKEN, it is never given. ? — AZEALIABANKS (@AZEALIABANKS) September 28, 2015

And that’s, indeed, all we got. But come back fifteen minutes later when we report that Azealia Banks calls the gay community a bunch of “stuck-up stoopid poopyheads.”

And while we’re on the subject of fifteen minutes: Hopefully she won’t start tweeting disparaging remarks about twelve-year-old girls with inordinately shitty taste in music, or she’ll manage to isolate her only other fanbase.


Derek de Koff

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