Thousands rally against same-sex marriage 2016 婚姻家庭 全民決定 萬人凱道靜坐

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Thousands rally against same-sex marriage 2016 婚姻家庭 全民決定 萬人凱道靜坐

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Thousands rally against same-sex marriage 2016 婚姻家庭 全民決定 萬人凱道靜坐

「婚姻家庭,全民決定」 1203 凱道陳情活動
Hundred thousands gathered Saturday on Ketagalan Boulevard to rally against the bill to legalize same-sex marriage.

Hundred thousands stage a sit-in against the bill to legalize same-sex marriage in Taiwan
People gathered Saturday on Ketagalan Boulevard to chant “marriage and family up to the people; children’s education up to the parents,” attendees showed up to demand the right to be involved in the monumental process to potentially amend the Civil Code.

下一代幸福聯盟號召數萬支持者 12月3日走上凱達格蘭大道,提出「婚姻家庭,全民決定」和「子女教育,父母決定」口號!主張婚姻的定義是一男一女的結合,改變婚姻家庭定義必須由全民公投決定。若是將同性戀者納入民法規範,將因沒有夫妻父母稱謂以及家庭結構崩解,造成傳統人倫輩分的倫理架構崩壞,堅決反對同性戀納入民法規範,強調「尊重同性戀的存在,並考慮接受立專法保障他們權益。
Taipei, Taiwan.

Thousands rally against same-sex marriage 2016 婚姻家庭 全民決定 萬人凱道靜坐

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