This trans girl’s photograph is showing people around the world how stupid bathroom bills are

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This trans girl’s photograph is showing people around the world how stupid bathroom bills are
This trans girl is changing hearts and minds

If this was your daughter, would you be comfortable sending her into a men’s bathroom?

That is the question that is changing hearts and minds around the world.

As North Carolina and other cities across the US have passed bills that prohibits transgender people from using the bathroom that reflects their gender identity, more and more people are seeing the idiocy and discrimination of this kind of legislation.

Showing a picture of trans child Corey Maisen, photographer Meg Bitton says: ‘If this was YOUR daughter, would you be comfortable sending her into a men’s bathroom? Neither would I. Be fair. Be kind. Be empathetic. Treat others how you would like to be treated.’

The photo, which has been shared thousands of times, has many comments. While some are them are transphobic, many say they have changed their minds because of the photo.

‘It is impossible to moderate this post, try as we may,’ Bitton added. ‘I want to delete it as badly as I don’t want to delete it. I decided to let Corey’s mother make that call and she asked for it to stay to raise awareness so it will. PLEASE BE ASSURED that I do not in anyway support the trolling insanity I am seeing here and I VERY MUCH appreciate all the positivity around Corey as does she AND her family.’

Of course, these bathroom bills are not just targeting trans people who can ‘pass’. Anyone who does not present as someone’s idea of ‘male’ and ‘female’ is in danger of arrest and fines.

The post This trans girl’s photograph is showing people around the world how stupid bathroom bills are appeared first on Gay Star News.

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