This Super-Revealing Pic Of Rapper The Game Will Make Your Jaw Drop

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This Super-Revealing Pic Of Rapper The Game Will Make Your Jaw Drop

Leah Remini isn’t afraid of Scientologists. The former-follower of the controversial “religion” has revealed how she was “written up” for telling Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes to get a room.

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Want to know what’s more terrifying than all the Adele stans and American Horror Story: Hotel combined? It’s this video from comic-musician Greg Scarnici.

On the subject of scary, did you see the photo of Kathie Lee Gifford made up as Woodstock? Yee-ow! Check out the nearly-as-creepy pics of her Today show cronies as other Peanuts characters here.


Actor-rapper The Game posted this selfie that is, well, it’s a total game-changer.

Let’s just assume, I thought today was Friday or #ThrowDatAZZbackThursday #WhoCaresWhatDayItis I say it’s #FineNiggaFriday because I know you gone be double tappin this mothafucka til tomorrow anyway……#SoGoneTagYaGirlfriends #ScreenShotIt #LickIt #PullThemPantiesToTheSideAndGetReadyForThe #HalloweenEdition #CuzHalfYallScaredOfTheDickAnyway ?? #WhereverYouAtInTheWorldDatPussyBoutToBeWetYouHearMe #iSaidDoYouFuckinHearMe #OkThen #TakeYourIndexAndMiddleFingerAndMakeAGun #ThenPutTheGunInsideYouAndPullTheTrigger #EaseItOutAndPutSomeOfThatStickyIckyOnThatPearlTongue #TiltYaHeadBackAtAn80DegreeAngleAndSpreadYourLegsFarAsTheyGo #ThenLickYaFingersRealSlowAndGrazeThatPearlForMe #BackAndForthRealGently #CloseYaEyes #AndImagineMeSlidingInThatThangRealSlow #AndAsSoonAsYouGetReadyToBustYour1stNut #iPullOutAndGoDownTownAndCatchItWithMyTongue #ThenISlideBackUpAn…… Oh shit the Patriots game on, gotta go ladies !!!! Oh’ & my boxers ?? #ThatsHowIDocumentary2 ???? #MEATPRINTPAPI #DropsMic

A photo posted by The Game (@losangelesconfidential) on

Jeremy Kinser

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