This couple’s addiction to nonstop threesomes nearly ended their relationship

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This couple’s addiction to nonstop threesomes nearly ended their relationship

Is it possible to become addicted to threesomes? According to blogger Aaron Little, the answer is yes. And he’s living to tell about it.

“Studies show that gay men tend to bring a third into the bedroom at some point in their relationship,” Little writes in a new op-ed. “It can be healthy for some, as it eliminates the need for infidelity, but in others, it can be their demise.”

For him and his boyfriend, it proved to be the later.

Little writes that he and his boyfriend decided to try the whole threesome thing in an effort to spice things up and possibly strengthen their ties.

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“We continued to invite guys over to our house, or we would go to their apartment,” he says. “Sometimes the sex was great, other times he just wished we could take back the last hour and a half of our lives.”

After several mediocre threesomes, Little says he and his boyfriend hit “rock bottom” when they flew to Melbourne for a holiday weekend and “decided to just stay in the room and [have sex] all weekend–we did six guys in a period of 72 hours.”

Sounds exhausting!

“It was so bad,” Little continues. “We were both on Grindr finding the next guy 20 minutes after the last one left. We even had the bartender downstairs in the hotel bar leaving bottles of wine and champagne at our door.”

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But it didn’t stop there. Because after the holiday was over, the guys returned home only to continue having nonstop threesomes, which were followed by arguments, which were followed by more threesomes, which were followed by more arguments. It became a vicious cycle.

“We had a lot of issues that stemmed from these random threesomes,” Little writes. “I was always extremely jealous, and some of the guys we had brought into our bedroom had been a terrible mistake.”

Eventually, his boyfriend moved out of their shared apartment and Little feared their relationship was done for. Luckily, they were able to patch things up eventually.

“Nine months and three threesomes later, my partner has moved home, and our relationship is stable and secure once again,” Little explains. “What we had gone through was all part of our journey, and I hope I never have to go through this again.”

We hope so, too, Aaron. We hope so, too.

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