‘The Voice’ Host Comes Out In Moving Blog Post, Literally Celebrates With Rainbow Cake

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‘The Voice’ Host Comes Out In Moving Blog Post, Literally Celebrates With Rainbow Cake

1428730445942Faustina Agolley is an Australian television personality most known for co-hosting The Voice Australia and hosting the long-running music program Video Hits.

And as of her 31st birthday, she’s also the latest media figure to triumphantly step out of the closet.

She posted this self-empowering message to her fans via her blog:

And tonight, to coincide with my birthday, I’m celebrating with friends over Rainbow Cake. It’s the Elton John of cakes, complete with rainbow flares.

As a child I always knew I was gay, but somewhere the feeling got lost. A long and, not always scenic, route ensued to bring me back to who I truly am.

What I needed was to find my tribe. I wasn’t actively seeking it, though sometime last year I met a group of women that I could truly connect to. I could see myself in them in many ways. And they are women of character who I aspire to. Most importantly, they are women that are generous and kind. For the first time in my life I came to the full realisation of who I am and I felt safe in their company. They bolstered my confidence and gave me my voice again. And I love them eternally for it.

Thankfully my tribe has now extended to my family and friends that I’ve had the confidence to come out to. We’ve created noise, a celebratory noise. We’ve drowned out the negativity that sadly weaves through many homes, communities, governments and countries throughout the world.

In life, philosophy and literature imparts one of the greatest lessons we continuously come back to, and that is to know thyself. For those reading this who are LGBT and haven’t come out – even when society may not deem you equal because of your sexuality – know that you are. And just like in my situation, know that there are people in the world that have your back.

Some may be asking “Why does she feel the need to write this?”. The answer is that there is nothing I’m leveraging off or deliberately seeking. This simply feels like the right and natural way to let it be known, sincerely.

As black as my skin, as Chinese as my blood, and as Australian and British are my nationalities, I’m also a proud Gay Woman.

Most importantly though, I’m a happy human being.


Faustina Agolley

Congrats, Faustina!

Oh and here’s that rainbow cake she mentioned:


Dan Tracer


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