The Straight Pride Parade organizers have received suspicious envelopes in the mail…

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The Straight Pride Parade organizers have received suspicious envelopes in the mail…

Straight Pride organizers
The three main organizers of Boston’s Straight Pride Parade

The organizers of Boston’s upcoming “Straight Pride Parade” recently told CNN that they’ve started “suspicious packages in the mail” from people who don’t approve of their event. But are these packages filled with threatening white powder or some other menacing substance? No, not exactly….

They’ve apparently been filled with glitter.

Quick background: The parade is being organized by three men calling themselves “Super Happy Fun America,” who want to “celebrate the diverse history, culture, and contributions of the straight community.” The group’s three main members are President John Hugo and Vice President Mark Sahady, who identify as heterosexual, and “Gay Ambassador” Chris Bartley, who identifies as gay.

CNN reports:

At least three parade organizers received envelopes in the mail with no return address, one of the organizers, Samson Racioppi, said….

He told CNN he discovered the envelope in his mailbox around 1:30 p.m. Monday and called the police because of its strange appearance.

“I went out to my mailbox and there was an envelope in there with my name and address, no return address, the back was very heavily taped up and when I shook it I heard stuff shaking around inside,” Racioppi said.

A hazmat team shut down his street to traffic and told neighbors to leave their homes while the mail was investigated, he said.

When Racioppi called his co-organizers, he says two of them had received packages as well. Sahady, the organizing committee’s vice president who has ties to the violent far-right group Proud Boys and the white supremacist organization Resist Marxism, was one of the recipients.

Related: Twitter has a lot to say about this “Straight Pride” parade happening in Boston

CNN continues:

Sahady said he was later told by an officer that the envelope contained glitter and a handwritten letter.

The FBI does not believe the packages pose a threat to public safety and the investigation is ongoing, Kristen Setera, a spokesperson for the bureau, told CNN Monday.

The group and authorities believe that the organizers had been targeted specifically for their event. After filing for a permit to hold a “Straight Pride Parade” the city of Boston has said the event will take place on August 31.

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