The Daily Show’s Jaboukie Young-White Coaches Two Gay Men with COVID-19 Antibodies Who Tried (and Failed) to Donate Their Plasma — on How to Pass as Straight: WATCH

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The Daily Show’s Jaboukie Young-White Coaches Two Gay Men with COVID-19 Antibodies Who Tried (and Failed) to Donate Their Plasma — on How to Pass as Straight: WATCH

jaboukie young-white blood ban

The Daily Show‘s Jaboukie Young-White zoomed with two gay men with COVID-19 antibodies who tried to donate their blood plasma to fight the coronavirus epidemic but failed because of the FDA’s discriminatory ban.

But Young-White has a solution that may or may not be successful: pass as straight.

Said Young-White: “If you want them to take your blood, you just can’t reveal that you’re gay. You have to pass as a straight guy. …. Your look should kind of say, ‘I’m looking for a girlfriend to shop for me because I can’t shop for myself.’ Also, do you have any clothes that your mom bought you? Plaid? Any plaid? More plaid? How ’bout any boot cut jeans? Do you have shoes that look like they’re too casual for formal events, and then too formal for casual events, and they’re scuffed up and they look like they’re the only shoes you’ve owned for the past decade? Let me hear you say ‘bro.’”

The post The Daily Show’s Jaboukie Young-White Coaches Two Gay Men with COVID-19 Antibodies Who Tried (and Failed) to Donate Their Plasma — on How to Pass as Straight: WATCH appeared first on Towleroad Gay News.

The Daily Show’s Jaboukie Young-White Coaches Two Gay Men with COVID-19 Antibodies Who Tried (and Failed) to Donate Their Plasma — on How to Pass as Straight: WATCH

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