Thank you guys so much.

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Thank you guys so much.

So I came out about a year ago when I was 16, I finally told my dad I was gay around two months ago and while not everyone in my family knows, I’ve experienced virtually no displays of homophobia. To those wondering, I live in south west Texas. My dad was shocked at first, but he accepted me by who I am, and he tells me he loves me and that he could never hurt me; it was just hard for him.

Anyhow, I wanted to thank you guys. Specifically, the people who were there before I was. You guys fought for our rights and even if you did something as simple as liking an lgbt post, you contributed to helping our community get stronger, and better. While I know that there is still much work to be done (Specifically protecting other LGBT minorities other than gays and lesbians) I think that it’s incredible that 60 years ago homosexuality was considered a disease and now there is fabulousness all over.

I just wanted to post this after meeting a guy at a party, hanging out with him and my lesbian friends, and having all my straight friends being so supportive about it. Thank you guys, you have made things so much easier for me.

submitted by carlos_nhi
[link] [3 comments]

Thank you guys so much.
by inlgbt

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