Thank you for stopping the nomination of Mark Green
Thanks to your determination to do what’s right, we just stopped Mark Green’s nomination and protected LGBTQ service members everywhere. Nominated as Secretary of the Army, Mark Green was one of the most extreme anti-LGBTQ politicians in the country. He has called for states to refuse to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, appallingly said that being transgender is a “disease” and used his office in Tennessee to push “license to discriminate” legislation and undermine the basic civil rights of LGBTQ people at every turn.
He was a dangerous nominee that needed to be stopped. So we turned to the best strategy we have: you. We asked you to reject his nomination. And thousands did. Nearly 20,000 of you signed our petition – making the voices of the LGBTQ community heard. You posted on social media and asked your friends to take action too – building our army and elevating our voice. You refused to stay quiet when so much was on the line. And it worked – quickly.
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