Texas Man Stockpiles 18 Months Worth of Food to Prepare for Coronavirus: WATCH
This guy is a financial analyst, so maybe he knows something we don’t. But if things get as bad as he fears, wouldn’t people just loot his supplies? Then again, it is Texas, so it’s possible he has plenty of guns, too.
CBSDFW.com reports: Jesse Colombo doesn’t even like Spam, but it has the long shelf life he’s looking for. “What you’re seeing right here is about a year and a half’s worth,” Colombo said. He has six cases of it in his living room along with a dozen 20 pound bags of rice, large bags of uncooked beans, canned ham and other non-perishable foods. “Easily tens of thousands of dollars. It’s basically an insurance policy against chaos,” he said. The financial analyst from Irving calls himself a survivalist. He’s been that way since the 2008 financial collapse. “My immediate concern is not so much getting coronavirus, it’s more so economic collapse is caused by the coronavirus outbreak,” he said.
Watch the report below.
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Texas Man Stockpiles 18 Months Worth of Food to Prepare for Coronavirus: WATCH
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