Texas Librarian Rescues LGBT Children’s Books From Mob Of Homophobic Parents

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Texas Librarian Rescues LGBT Children’s Books From Mob Of Homophobic Parents

Hood-County-Library-Director-Courtney-Kincaid-360x286As the religious right’s frustration over marriage equality rages on, it’s no surprise they’re moving the fight somewhere — anywhere — other than the courts, sensing a losing battle there. Now it seems even the children’s section at the public library isn’t safe.

Over in Hood County, TX, our favorite summertime hellhole, they’re having their hate cake and eating it, too.

Last week Hood County clerk Katie Lang made national news when she joined the band of Christian superheroes sent to Earth by Jesus himself to obstruct justice and illegally prevent gay couples from tying the knot. Way to selectively read that Bible of yours, Katie.

But why stop there? Hood County residents have now taken up the charge of book banning in an attempt to make it known that gay is not OK.

The insidious subversions in question are two titles in the children’s section of the county library — This Day in June, a picture book about a pride parade, and My Princess Boy, the story of a boy who likes to wears dresses.

They have the audacity to promote things like inclusiveness, anti-bullying and acceptance. Or as a group of local parents put it, “perversion” and the “gay lifestyle.”

But as much as we could rag on Hood County, there are people like librarian Courtney Kincaid living there giving us hope.

“They’re very sweet books about acceptance, tolerance and anti-bullying,” she told an advisory board at a public hearing to consider removing the books. “[They] are both aimed at helping children understand the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community. Lesbians and gays are in this community, and they deserve to have some items in this collection.”

Granbury resident Dave Eagle complained the books are about “transvestic behavior” and “program children with the LGBT agenda,” telling the board, “This is information that hits a child’s eyes and goes into their brains before they have a chance to make a decision about it. As adults we have a duty to protect children’s innocence.”

Won’t someone think of the children?!

In the end Kincaid got her wish and the board voted to keep the books, though they promised to move This Day in June to the adult section.

By the sound of it, the adults of Hood County need it more than the kids.


Dan Tracer


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