Texas Law Enforcement Groups File Brief With Fifth Circuit In Support of Marriage Equality

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Texas Law Enforcement Groups File Brief With Fifth Circuit In Support of Marriage Equality

A group of Texas county sheriffs and law enforcement officers have filed a brief with the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals this week in support of marriage equality, The Texas Tribune reports:

Texas“Gay and lesbian law enforcement officers and other first responders put on their uniforms, place themselves in harm’s way to protect and defend our communities, and swear to uphold our laws without prejudice or bias,” said the letter, filed by Harris County Sheriff Adrian Garcia, Dallas County Sheriff Lupe Valdez, more than 50 other Texans working in law enforcement and a coalition of city police departments from around the country.

The brief continues:

They serve our communities with equal distinction, skill, and bravery. But Texas denies these men and women the equal dignity and respect they deserve. Texas does not treat them equally in their day-to-day work, nor, tragically, even when they make the ultimate sacrifice.

Last week, lawyers representing same-sex couples int the case of De Leon v. Perry filed briefs asking the Fifth Circuit to uphold a federal judge’s ruling striking down the state’s ban on same-sex marriage. The court is expected to hear arguments in the case in the coming months.

Check out the law enforcement brief below:

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