Tennessee Republican official offers apology to God to avoid wrath for gay marriage in America

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Tennessee Republican official offers apology to God to avoid wrath for gay marriage in America

A Tennessee county local government will today debate a formal apology to God over America’s legalization of same-sex marriage because one of it’s members fears God is poised to punish America with his wrath.

Blount County commissioner and Republican Karen Miller put the apology on today’s agenda, fearing that God will punish America like he did in the Old Testament stories of Sodom and Gommorah and the Passover in which God took the lives of all the firstborn children of Egypt.

In her ‘Resolution condemning judicial tyranny and petitioning God’s mercy,’ Miller writes that, ‘we the Blount County Legislature call upon all of the officers of the State of Tennessee, the Governor, the Attorney General, and the members of the Tennessee Legislature, to join us, and utilize all authority within their power to protect natural marriage, from lawless court opinions, and the financial schemes of the enemies of righteousness wherever the source and defend the moral standards of Tennessee.’

‘We adopt this resolution before God that he pass us by in his coming wrath and not destroy our county as he did Sodom and Gomorrah and the neighboring cities. As the Passover Lamb was a means of salvation to the ancient Children of Israel, so we stand upon the safety of the Lamb of God to save us.’

‘We adopt this Resolution begging his favor in light of the fact that we have been forced to comply and recognize that the State of Tennessee, like so many other God-fearing states, may have fallen prey to a lawless judiciary in legalizing what God and the Bible expressly forbids.’

The post Tennessee Republican official offers apology to God to avoid wrath for gay marriage in America appeared first on Gay Star News.

Andrew Potts


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