Ted Cruz Ramps up Transphobic Rhetoric on the Campaign Trail

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Ted Cruz Ramps up Transphobic Rhetoric on the Campaign Trail

Lately, Presidential hopeful Ted Cruz has been intent on making anti-transgender rhetoric an integral part of his bid for the White House. In a recent stop in Iowa, Cruz turned a simple question on education into a bigoted ranted against the Obama Administration’s decision to support transgender students, accusing them of forcing the school to “let a little boy take showers with junior high girls.” He goes on to say that Washington bureaucrats have no right to decide what’s best for school districts where transgender students are fighting against discrimination.
Last month, Cruz made equally offensive comments in an interview with conservative radio host Steven Crowder. He blasted the Administration, calling their actions “lunacy” and “nutty.”

On the campaign trail a few weeks ago, Cruz decried efforts to lift the ban prohibiting transgender Americans from serving openly in the military, even though the American Medical Association approved a resolution earlier this year that said, there is “no medically valid reason to exclude transgender individuals from service in the U.S. military.”
It’s unclear why Cruz has been using every opportunity to vilify transgender Americans, particularly children who are searching for acceptance and want nothing more than to be treated like their peers. 

Transgender people continue to be one of the most vulnerable and marginalized groups out there, facing unimaginable stigma that plays out in various contexts. In addition to being demonized by politicians like Ted Cruz to score cheap political points, transgender Americans lack explicit legal protections against discrimination in housing, employment and public accommodations in more than 25 states. They also often lack access to medically-necessary health services and are at increased risk of experiencing violence and poverty. 

Last month, ahead of the 17th annual Transgender Day of Remembrance, HRC released a video highlighting some of the spectacular moms who are standing up and speaking out in support of transgender equality. Without a doubt, their messages of love and acceptance will overshadow Cruz’s hateful bigotry.

For more information on Ted Cruz visit hrc.org/2016RepublicanFacts, an online resource that highlights the anti-LGBT rhetoric of 2016 GOP presidential candidates. The research document on Cruz also highlights his longtime record opposing marriage equality, non-discrimination protections for LGBT people and his out-of-touch belief that being gay is a “choice.” 

For more information on HRC’s efforts toward transgender equality, go to hrc.org/transgender


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