Take The Queerty Survey: How Do You Really Feel About The Arrival Of The Freedom To Marry?
The freedom to marry has been a long time coming. Although there have been various socially accepted forms of same-sex cohabitation since, well, Adam & Steve met up, marriage equality was nothing more than a gleam in the eyes of advocates until the 1980s. That’s when Mary Bonauto, Evan Wolfson of Freedom To Marry, thousands of same-sex couples, and legions of others worked tirelessly together to put it on the national agenda.
Now we are on a roll, with a staggering 60 percent of Americans behind our cause and — we hope and expect — the majority of the U.S. Supreme Court.
So Queerty wants to know what you — the people who made this happen — really think about same sex marriage. We’ll let you know the results before the Supreme Court rules on the question near the end of June.
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Chris Bull
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