Take Action: Pope Francis Must Condemn Cardinal Lopez’s Shocking Anti-LGBT Slurs Attacking US Ambass

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Take Action: Pope Francis Must Condemn Cardinal Lopez’s Shocking Anti-LGBT Slurs Attacking US Ambass

Pope Francis continues to remain silent following a series of anti-LGBT attacks unleashed by Cardinal Nicolás de Jesús López Rodríguez against U.S. Ambassador to the Dominican Republic Wally Brewster.

Two weeks ago, HRC President Chad Griffin called on Pope Francis to condemn Cardinal Lopez’s anti-LGBT slurs and show that the Catholic Church won’t tolerate hate and bigotry. Yesterday, U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) followed suit, sending a letter to the Vatican calling on the Pope to speak out against the Cardinal Lopez’s public statements, saying they were out of step with the Church’s teachings.

In early December, Dominican newspapers reported that Cardinal Lopez referred to U.S. Ambassador Brewster as a “wife” who “should stick to housework, since he is a man’s wife.” A few days later, Cardinal Lopez doubled down on his anti-LGBT slurs, calling Ambassador Brewster “a faggot” and saying “he should go home, he does not have to bring anything here.”

Pope Francis, who made waves early in his papacy by responding, “Who am I to judge?” when asked about gay Catholic priests, now has an opportunity to make clear that the Church will reject anti-LGBT hate within its leadership. By contrast, it would send a terrible signal to millions of Catholics around the world if Pope Francis were to remain silent on the Cardinal’s bigoted attacks.

It’s time for the Vatican to hear from you.  In the spirit of love and tolerance, please join HRC and call on Pope Francis to condemn Cardinal Lopez’s anti-LGBT attacks against U.S. Ambassador Wally Brewster. 


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