Take a tour of Neil Patrick Harris’ ghastly NYC brownstone
If you like seeing how rich people live/you will never live, Neil has invited Vogue to wander his estate.
“I wanted it to be like an adventurer’s club with a genius bar inside,” he said. He also gets in a plug for A Series of Important Events, while standing amidst various trophies he’s won. Across from that, he has the actual booth from How I Met Your Mother, surrounded by toys.
There’s a picture of Elton John hanging over the staircase, and upstairs there’s a living room with a bar and a lot of dark wood paneling. There is also a robot parrot, and some Teleflora-looking arrangement on a coffee table. And then — oh no — he raps a bit from Hamilton, complete with hand gestures.
Their Christmas tree is wrapped in gold — real gold? Who knows.
Eerie Jill Greenberg portraits of their kids loom over the stairs to the next floor. He has a guest book next to the door, and when you sign it, you get to pick something out of what looks like a card catalogue. The Vogue rep gets a book of pumpkins that look like penises.
So there you have it.
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