Gallup: More Americans Want Trump Impeached and Removed from Office Than Wanted Nixon Out
A new Gallup poll shows that more Americans want Trump impeached and removed from office than wanted Nixon out as Watergate unfolded.
Gallup reports: “Eighty-nine percent of Democrats currently say Trump should be impeached and removed from office. That compares with 71% of Democrats who in 1974 said the charges against Nixon warranted his removal from office. The 1974 survey was conducted days before Nixon announced his resignation from office on August 8, 1974. Among Republicans, 92% reject Trump being impeached and removed from office while just 7% are in favor of it. Under Nixon, a smaller 59% of his fellow Republicans opposed his removal from office while 31% endorsed it.”
Additionally, “Gallup’s new update, from an Oct. 14-31, survey, finds 51% of all Americans in favor of Trump being impeached and removed from office, essentially unchanged from 52% in an early October survey.”
Dua Lipa, Paul Manafort, Impeachment, Jason Momoa’s Oreo, Voting Machines, Apple: HOT LINKS
IMPEACHMENT. White House officials refuse to testify: ‘Four White House officials scheduled to appear before the House Oversight, Intelligence and Foreign Affairs committees, are not expected to show up, according to multiple media reports. Two of the officials — John Eisenberg, the National Security Council’s lawyer, and his deputy, Michael Ellis — fielded concerns from other officials about U.S. policy with Ukraine and are said to have knowledge of Trump’s phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. The others include Robert Blair, a senior adviser to Trump’s acting chief of staff, and Brian McCormack, an official at the Office of Management and Budget.’
UKRAINE. Paul Manafort was at the center of conspiracy spread before 2016 election: “Paul Manafort, President Trump’s former campaign chairman, spread a conspiracy theory now at the center of the impeachment investigation — that Ukraine, not Russia, hacked the Democratic National Committee — as early as five months before the 2016 election, according to newly released documents from the special counsel’s investigation.”
DEEP DIVE OF THE DAY. John Oliver looks at voting machines.
WHISTLEBLOWER. Trump really wants to out him. ‘Trump (and thus Republicans) have sustained a burning interest in the whistleblower’s identity despite his or her growing irrelevance to the impeachment inquiry. Democrats, initially hellbent on getting the whistleblower’s testimony, now shrug at the prospect, citing the wealth of evidence they’ve gotten from other witnesses who don’t have to worry so much about protecting their identities.’
The Whistleblower gave false information & dealt with corrupt politician Schiff. He must be brought forward to testify. Written answers not acceptable! Where is the 2nd Whistleblower? He disappeared after I released the transcript. Does he even exist? Where is the informant? Con!
Young Turkmen Doctor Vanishes After Coming Out as Gay Under Pseudonym, Recording Farewell Message
A young man in Turkmenistan who came out as gay under a pseudonym in October to bring awareness to the plight of sexual minorities in his country, has vanished along with his family after recording a farewell video message and going to the police station where he had been summoned.
Radio Free Europe reports: “Twenty-four-year-old Kasymberdy Garayev — whose mother and father and siblings have also disappeared — worked as a cardiologist at a prestigious clinic in Ashgabat, the Turkmen capital. He recounted to RFE/RL’s Turkmen Service the many problems he had being gay in Turkmenistan — where homosexuality is still considered a crime — in a story published on October 21. Garayev described the massive pressure he was under from both his family and officials in Turkmenistan, where being gay is punishable by up to 2 years in prison. He said that only members of his family knew about his sexual orientation and even they attempted to convince him to ‘live a lie’ and conceal the truth from everyone.”
After publishing his interview under the name Kamil, he was sought after by Turkmen police, who called in a number of people. Garayev was among them. He has since disappeared.
Said Garayev in his message: “I really did not mean to harm you by my behavior. I am sorry! If I am gone, don’t blame me! Dad, don’t be too nervous, otherwise you will get sick. Mom…don’t worry either. Kovus, keep an eye on them all. Forgive me! Kovus, be careful, keep an eye on everyone. Kyas, be considerate and learn to think a little. Act considerately, be careful! Akja, my little sister, you haven’t seen anything yet, only tears. Forgive me too!… Akjahanjan, I hope you grow up a beautiful, prominent girl. Be a good girl! I guess I won’t see how you grow up. I am sorry! All be happy and honest. Live in a happy family, but now without me. Do not worry. I beg you again, forgive. Sorry! I kiss you all. Farewell!”
GOP Congressman Headbutts Camera After Refusing to Answer Impeachment Question: WATCH
Progressive advocacy group MoveOn tried to get an answer out of Rep. Don Young (R-AK) on Thursday about whether it’s okay for a president to pressure foreign governments to interfere in U.S. elections. Instead of offering an answer, Young headbutted the camera.
Watch Republican Congressman @repdonyoung (R-AK) headbutt the camera when we asked him if it’s okay to ask foreign governments to interfere in our elections.
Elizabeth Warren Reveals How Her $52 Trillion ‘Medicare for All’ Plan Will Be Paid For
Elizabeth Warren today revealed how she’ll pay for her $52 trillion Medicare For All health care in a comprehensive plan released on Friday. Read the plan HERE.
Politico reports: “The plan relies on an expected mix of tax increases on the wealthy, deep cuts to military spending and payments to doctors, projected savings from a more streamlined national system, payments from employers who would no longer have to provide health care to their workers and — the heaviest lift — comprehensive immigration reform. The proposal was outlined and evaluated for the campaign by several prominent economists and former government officials.”
Warren explained the plan on Twitter:
Health care costs are rising and crushing families. And a serious diagnosis can financially ruin a middle-class family even if they have insurance. We let private insurance and drug companies profit from that pain. Enough. We need a system that reflects our values.
#MedicareForAll finally brings true choice to the health care system. The choice to see the doctor you want, to get the prescriptions you need, pick the job or start that small business you want without worrying about where your health insurance will come from.
Let’s get to the math! (All backed up by independent experts and economists.) First, we’re going to rein in the waste, inefficiency, and corporate profiteering by insurance and drug companies. And we’ll bring down out-of-control costs.
How is it paid for? Well, if you’re not in the top 1%, Wall Street, or a big corporation—congratulations, you don’t pay a penny more and you’re fully covered by #MedicareForAll.
We cover the remaining $11 trillion largely with taxes on big corporations, Wall Street, and the top 1%—and enforcing the tax laws we have now. Add in a targeted cut to a Defense Dept slush fund and that’s it. You’ll find full details in my plan here:
I am fighting for #MedicareForAll. I have the only detailed plan to pay for it. And we are the only Democratic primary campaign that has laid out the true, full costs of any health care plan, Medicare for All or otherwise. I look forward to others doing the same.
Fischerspooner, the electroclash duo of Warren Fischer and Casey Spooner formed in 1998, is over, according to an announcement on their Instagram page, which read, Fischerspooner is dead. Long live Fischerspooner. Thank you for everything.”
NME reports: ‘They went on to record four critically acclaimed electroclash records – including 2002’s ‘#1’ and 2005’s ‘Odyssey’, which featured guest spots from the likes of David Byrne. After releasing 2009’s ‘Entertainment’, they embarked on a nine-year hiatus before returning with 2018’s ‘Sir’ – which was produced by REM’s Michael Stipe.”
News Anchors Lose It When Meteorologist Shows Up in Mystical Unicorn Costume: WATCH
Global News’ Calgary meteorologist Jordan Witzel showed up for his Halloween forecast in a mystical unicorn costume, and judging from the reactions of his newsroom colleagues, the tight white and pink bodysuit was a huge hit.
Entertainment Weekly’s digital director Shana Krochmal was one of the passengers who pointed out the Rocketman censorship. The film left in an assault between John Reid and Elton but removed all intimacy between them.
Wrote Krochmal: “On @Delta today discovered that #Rocketman is stripped of almost every gay reference or scene that @eltonofficial fought to keep in the film’s mainstream release, including a simple chaste kiss. This is good context but it’s still frustrating. As @yayponies pointed out in a very justified rant, what does it say that the edit left in a scene of John Reid assaulting Elton but removed any evidence of intimacy between them or for that matter Elton and any man? What is that saying is OK?”
As @yayponies pointed out in a very justified rant, what does it say that the edit left in a scene of John Reid assaulting Elton but removed any evidence of intimacy between them or for that matter Elton and any man? What is that saying is OK?
And – sorry, almost done here – given how many passengers watch whatever they want on tablets or phones often in full view of other travelers, this seems especially egregious.
The Washington Post reports: “Near the end of the 2019 film ‘Booksmart,’ a tense bathroom kiss between Amy, the film’s timid, justice-minded lead, and Hope, her high school’s ‘basic hot girl,’ turns into more: Hidden from a house party outside, they engage in a hookup that’s been hailed as an unusually frank, on-screen portrayal of sex between two women. But Watch ‘Booksmart’ on a Delta Air Lines flight, and the R-rated high school comedy will skip right through that scene. Reportedly, the in-flight cut also passes over the words ‘vagina’ and ‘genitals,’ an exchange about a lesbiansex act, talk of a urinary tract infection, and a bit in which Amy and her friend watch porn in the back of a ride-share.’
Variety reports: “A spokesperson for Delta told Variety that the airline works with studios and a third-party editing company, which provides its own edit of the movie, as well as the unedited version. If anything in the unedited version of the movie does not meet Delta’s guidelines, then Delta runs the third party’s edit of the film, regardless of whether further aspects of the film that don’t violate Delta’s guidelines have also been removed. Delta declined to provide the airline’s standards and guidelines for in-flight movies, and the spokesperson said he was not aware what part of the unedited version of ‘Booksmart’ did not meet Delta’s guidelines.”
The company released a statement: “Delta’s content parameters do not in any way ask for the removal of homosexual content from the film. We value diversity and inclusion as core to our culture and our mission and will review our processes to ensure edited video content doesn’t conflict with these values.”
Karamo Brown Says He Planted Seeds in Sean Spicer’s Hurtful Heart: ‘I Think He’s Exceptional’
Queer Eye’s Karamo Brown spoke out again about his relationship with Sean Spicer after his elimination from Dancing with the Stars on Monday and according to Brown, his friendship with the former Trump Press Secretary has blossomed.
Brown deleted his Twitter account in August after joining the show in response to backlash he received for remarks that he was “excited to sit down w/ [Dancing with the Stars co-star and former Trump Press Secretary Sean Spicer] and engage in a respectful conversation.”
Before deleting his Twitter, Brown had tried to clarify his remarks, but that didn’t go tell well either: “A trained social worker and my first instinct is always to sit down and have a conversation. But I understand how my comments could lead people to believe that I don’t understand the gravity of the situation. The personal is political… I’m reminded of it daily as a gayman of color. I know that representation matters–that it can affect change. I see you & I hear you. I’m bringing my personal message of love, equity & inclusion to the dance floor. I want it to eclipse & triumph over divisiveness & hatred.”
Now Brown says he has succeeded at something. He told People: “Through this process, Sean’s trailer has been next to mine and I have literally every day been planting seeds in his heart. ‘When you made this comment, it hurt me as a man. When you made this comment, it hurt me as a person of color. When you made this comment, it hurt me as a gayman.’ And literally, I could see each week those seeds … blossoming and that’s why he got emotional [when I was sent home].”
“Sean is literally someone who I would’ve never thought I could be friends with, and I’m going to walk away from here calling him a friend,” Brown added. “I’m going to continue the conversation that we’ve had outside of this. And I don’t think Sean’s going to make it to the end [of the competition], but I’m proud of him. I really am proud of him, because he’s had fun every week and I think he’s exceptional.”
Said Spicer of Brown: “It just speaks to what a great person he is, that he’s trying to bridge divides.”
Americans are expected to spend US$8.8 billion on candy, costumes and decorations this year – or $86 for every person who plans to celebrate. That includes a half a billion dollars on costumes that Americans are buying for their pets, which is double the amount they spent a decade ago. Pumpkins and hot dogs are the favorites.
How did a holiday that began as a way to honor the dead morph into just another ritual of over-the-top American consumption? As a relatively frugal person who has reused the same Halloween costumes for years, I found the $86 figure shocking. But I’m hardly the first economist to moan about out-of-control consumerism.
The $86 average may not give us an accurate look at per-person spending. Only about two-thirds of respondents to the National Retail Federation’s annual survey of Halloween spending said they were celebrating the holiday. And while some spend nothing, others go overboard.
In the late 1890s, an economist named Thorstein Veblen looked at spending in society and wrote an influential book called “The Theory of the Leisure Class,” which explained reasons why people spend. It laid out the idea that some goods and services are bought simply for conspicuous consumption.
Conspicuous consumption is designed to show others you are rich, smart or important. In Veblen’s mind, conspicuous consumption was spending more money on items than they are really worth. Veblen pointed out that people buy homes with rooms that are rarely used, just to show off the owner’s wealth.
If Veblen were writing about the world today, he would probably not focus on real estate. Instead, he might be using examples of people trying to attract attention on Instagram by dressing their pets in expensive costumes.
Understanding how much people spend on holidays like Halloween and other activities is important because this shows what society values. And apparently, we value what others can see us consume.