Nate Silver Blasted After Scolding ‘Libs’ for Not Allowing Trump to Have ‘One Good Day’
Election statistician and prognosticator Nate Silver trended on Twitter Monday after complaining that “Libs” should let Donald Trump have at least “one good day.”
It really amazing how many Libs can’t even permit Trump to have *one good day* (nobody will remember this stuff by Tuesday) after US forces kill perhaps the world’s most wanted terrorist.
Tweeted Silver: “It really amazing how many Libs can’t even permit Trump to have *one good day* (nobody will remember this stuff by Tuesday) after US forces kill perhaps the world’s most wanted terrorist.”
Silver’s words weren’t welcomed:
I thought I’d wake up to a great day. Instead, I see @JoeNBC defending the white supremacist president, @facebook letting Ben Shapiro do what I was kicked off for doing, and Nate Silver lecturing us that we should let Trump have one good day.