Tag Archives: Media Matters

New Trump Advisor Believes Homosexuality is an ‘Abomination’, Won’t Appear on a Show with a Gay Host ‘and Pretend Like That’s Normal’ — WATCH

New Trump Advisor Believes Homosexuality is an ‘Abomination’, Won’t Appear on a Show with a Gay Host ‘and Pretend Like That’s Normal’ — WATCH

Media Matters reports that Donald Trump has a new surrogate named Clarence Mason Weaver who believes that homosexuality is “evil” and “an abomination.” Weaver believes that there is nothing wrong with being homophobic, and has warned people to “worry about homosexual training” in schools. He has said he would not appear on a program with a gay host, and would have a problem with gay co-workers.

Weaver, a right-wing commentator was recently named to an advisory board position in Trump’s campaign.

Here’s a video Weaver posted about a Best Buy ad he saw which featured a lesbian which made him tell his daughter “homosexuality is a abomination. Not just a sin. It’s abomination.”

Added Weaver: “How can you find common ground with evil and sin? … I can work with homosexuals. I’ve worked with a lot of homosexuals. Worked with a lot of them. Political and social things. But I’m not going to stand there and pretend like that’s not a sin. Like you would not — I would not pretend like I don’t sin. I would not pretend, I’m not going to try to fool God to make you feel comfortable. I appear on programs all the time with homosexuals. I will not appear on a program with a homosexual host and pretend like that’s normal.”

Weaver continued: “It can be very difficult for you to tell me as a woman, ‘Hey, this is Betty, my wife.’ You’re not going to get a ‘congratulations.” No. I may say, ‘How you doing?” If you ask me what I think about you being married to that woman, you’re going to get your feelings hurt. You’re going to get your feelings hurt. Christians stand up for God, and when you stand up for God, you’re going to upset the ungodly.”

Media Matters adds: “Weaver has frequently pushed misogynistic rhetoric, including saying that women aren’t equal to men and that they damaged society when they won the ”right’ to leave the home and go to work’; claiming that women who report sexual misconduct at work are the reason ‘why we don’t want to be around you in a business’; and stating that women should carry themselves as ‘handmaidens’ and ‘be submissive.’”

Media Matters wrote earlier this week: “The Trump campaign recently launched its ‘Black Voices for Trump’ coalition, with President Donald Trump speaking at a rally in Atlanta, GA. The campaign also announced the members of its advisory board, which includes numerous right-wing media personalities such as radio host Herman Cain, Fox Nation hosts Diamond and Silk, and Fox News contributors Deneen Borelli and Alveda King. The campaign lists the involvement of Clarence Mason Weaver (who usually goes by Mason Weaver in media appearances and also lists his name as Clarence A. Mason on his website), a right-wing author and purported motivational speaker.”

The post New Trump Advisor Believes Homosexuality is an ‘Abomination’, Won’t Appear on a Show with a Gay Host ‘and Pretend Like That’s Normal’ — WATCH appeared first on Towleroad Gay News.

New Trump Advisor Believes Homosexuality is an ‘Abomination’, Won’t Appear on a Show with a Gay Host ‘and Pretend Like That’s Normal’ — WATCH